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The reputation of Maison du Père, among the homeless population or those at risk of homelessness, has been established for decades. Everyone recognizes its expertise, innovative practices, ability to adapt to new realities, and the partnership culture it maintains to maximize its service offerings to those seeking its help.

However, financially, it is only recently that the government has made the necessary adjustments to allow us to maintain some of our essential services, including our Seniors' Residence. We are relieved and thank the relevant authorities for their attentiveness. Nevertheless, there is still much work to be done.

In recent years, our actions have been focused on access to housing and physical healthcare. Aging individuals aged 50 and over represent a large part of our clientele. The development of these services remains a priority for us, and government support is essential.

Moreover, we cannot remain insensitive to housing loss problems, largely caused by the current economic situation. Prevention must be brought to the forefront and facilitated by programs such as the Rent Assistance Bank, which we developed this year and which allowed us to keep about fifteen households in their homes.

Thanks to the team at Maison du Père, the Foundation team, and our hundreds of community, public, and private partners who enable us, year after year, to TAKE ACTION on the life paths of thousands of individuals.

Jaëlle Bégarin, President and CEO of Maison du Père

What are
the main
causes of homelessness?

Maison du Père

offers in response

Causeset solutions

«  A little about History...

Since 1969, Maison du Père has been supporting men ages 25 and older who are experiencing homelessness. Trinitarians have managed the Maison for 35 years.

The organization was named by its first residents, a dozen street people who Father Guy Laforte welcomed night after night into a home he had renovated for and with them on Rue St-André.

The chaplain had a clear goal when he created this organization: “I do not want to set up a charitable organization that will only maintain their misery. […]
I want them to become responsible…With me, I want them to rediscover a reason for living by learning
that they can still be useful.

CA Maison

«  Board of directors of Maison du Père

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